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This metal and plastic cutting shop serves a specific customer with the power of DigiFabster

“Find a way to be unique or go out of business.”This is the guiding principle of industry veteran and Scandcut founder, Lars Hektor. With the power of positioning — targeting a defined customer with a specific need — and the technology of DigiFabster, Lars has set his shop apart from his competitors with instant quoting and fast turnarounds.

Lars on the importance of positioning

Client Profile

Business typeSwedish family business specializing in Co2-laser, Fiber Laser, and Water cutting
Consumer profileEngineers and other professionals who need small parts made quickly
Results1,300% increase in orders & multi-billion dollar B2B clients

The Power of Positioning

Lars is an industry veteran who’s worked with large businesses across a range of technologies. When he founded Scandcut, he knew there was a consumer segment that was underserved by traditional CNC shops.

Lars’ business strategy is serving a specific, savvy customer whose order is ready for manufacture, but too small for a larger shop to take seriously. Because they’ve been largely ignored by traditional CNC shops, Scandcut’s customers are willing to pay more for an instant quote and fast delivery.

“We target those who don’t want to wait.”

– Lars Hektor, Founder, Scandcut

How Lars identified his business opportunity

Lars has targeted this specific customer across varied industries — from Formula One engineers to high-tech farmers.

His ideal customer is someone who has a DXM file ready to go and needs manufacture and delivery to happen quickly.

This brings up another important principle: a relentless focus on your ideal customer means saying “no” to pretty much everyone else.

Why Lars trains his team to say “no” to the wrong customers

Enter: DigiFabster

Saying “no” to most customers has enabled Lars to serve his ideal customer even better. And since that customer values speed at every step of the process, Lars relies on DigiFabster to supercharge their experience.

Scandcut’s strategic solution

  • Only serve customers with finalized designs who need instant quotes with fast delivery
  • Say “no” to everyone else
  • Leverage DigiFabster to power an online ordering experience for customers
  • Maintain a strong position in the market by guaranteeing a 5-day turnaround on all orders

“You have to think about alternative costs. If we serve every need, we’re spending time away from doing what we do well.”

– Lars Hektor, Founder, Scandcut

Lars explains the pitfalls of spending a lot of time on quotes, and the upsides of being nimble.


Scandcut won’t compete with shops that are all offering the same thing: bespoke quoting on orders that dominate their time.

Instead, they’ve chosen to compete on speed and self-service for a new breed of customer who’s been overlooked by traditional industry players.

It has served them well. Seven months after Scandcut implemented DigiFabster, they’ve seen their orders increase about 1,300%, with their revenue closely following the same trajectory.

Revenue chart

Quick Quote

Learn more about how DigiFabster Quick Quote can help your 3D printing service bureau improve the customer experience, while reducing costs and generating more revenue

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