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DigiFabster Helps 3DKfactory Diversify

How DigiFabster’s software-as-a-service platform helps 3D printing service bureaus simplify the process of accepting work via the web, allowing them to generate new revenue with lower cost

3D Printing Service Bureau


Utilize DigiFabster’s software-as-a-service (SAAS) platform to free up time from mundane tasks like quoting and order entry, allowing staff to focus on other more critical activities


Create an account, populate and configure the software’s administrative area with the correct pricing and specifications, and deploy DigiFabster’s widget on 3DKfactory’s web page. Then market the site’s newfound capability, encouraging prospective customers with small orders to quote and order online


3DKfactory"Customer acquisition is key to our future growth. We needed to supplement the business we were getting from 3DHubs, so we enhanced our own website. Manually quoting work for those new visitors took a lot of time. We needed to automate that step in our workflow."
Fabien Michon3DKfactory’s CEO

When it first launched, 3DHubs made it easy for small service bureaus to attract customers. By default, it allowed users to search for 3D printing companies by geography, technology, materials, and price, among others. Shops could create a competitive advantage in many different ways.

3DHubs was originally designed as a marketplace of 3D printing service bureaus. Recently the company pivoted to become a manufacturing network. Instead of allowing customers to choose a hub based on location, capabilities and cost, the company now makes those selections automatically. Customers still have an option to override it manually, but the link to that option is buried deep in the order process. Most just accept the quote they’re given.

As a result, the playing field is no longer level and many service bureaus are looking to replace the business they once got from 3DHubs.


3DKfactory"DigiFabster allowed us to automate the most time consuming part of the process. Building out our own website was easy. We’re also experimenting with pay-per-click and other advertising to drive traffic. Quoting and order entry are no longer the big bottleneck."
Fabien Michon3DKfactory’s CEO

When 3DKfactory began working with DigiFabster they were quickly able to configure the software based on their shop’s unique capabilities. They input all the information about their company and service offering, including their machines, materials, and finishing options. Once everything was validated they placed the widget on their website and made it available to their website’s visitors.

Customers who visit the site can now upload a 3D printable model, get a quote and place an order, automatically.

But 3DKfactory went beyond simply using the software. Having been a web developer himself, Mr. Michon took an active role in helping refine the software. He provided constructive criticism and shared new ideas, along with the know-how to actually execute them.


3DKfactory"It’s a numbers game. The more traffic we can throw at the site, the more orders we can get. The conversion rate is a bit lower when everything is automated, but we can service so many more customers. The time on the phone and via email just wasn’t productive."
Fabien Michon3DKfactory’s CEO
Models500 models
Orders50 orders
Time1 hour per day saved
Money$450 per month added value

With the DigiFabster software in place, 3DKfactory ramped up their marketing and soon after, they were receiving new orders from new customers.

In the past three months alone, customers have used DigiFabsters’s web widget to upload nearly 500 models. More importantly, they’ve placed over 50 orders worth an average of almost $95 each.

Not only does 3DKfactory benefit from new customers and new revenue, it also helps provides new capacity and improves the profitability of work from other channels.

With DigiFabster’s software in place, 3DKfactory estimates it saves an hour of productivity each day. At $35 per hour, the time recovered is worth nearly $800 per month.

Together the savings and revenue add up to nearly $450 a month in incremental value. For 3DKfactory, that’s a return on investment (ROI) of 9 times their monthly expense.

But beyond pure economic value, The DigiFabster solution provides 3DKfactory with other, less quantitative benefits. Online payment reduces the time and expense of managing receivables. Further, the customer relationship management features built into DigiFabster make it easier for 3DKfactory to maximize the value of each client.

To learn more about 3DKfactory, we encourage you to visit their website.


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