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Proven Methods Generating 3D Printing Sales

Learn how a DigiFabster customer received a 150% ROI while generating up to $1,000,000 USD annually
Sales Guidebook

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Think eCommerce sells itself? Think again.

You can buy all the software you like, but if you don't have a plan for how you'll implement, market, sell and support your solution you probably won't get very far.

DigiFabster recognizes this and that's why we've published our NEW GUIDE on How to Generate More Sales For Your 3D Printing Business. It doesn't just help you set up our software, the guide provides detailed information on how to market and sell your services, while also supporting your customers.

The guide covers it all, from specific topics like how to configure the DigiFabster widget and where to place it on your site, to bigger picture items like pricing strategy and when it makes sense to automate vs. apply a human touch.


Beyond software, the guide also covers a variety of topics on sales and marketing. We provide information on how to use content, email and web marketing to drive traffic to your site. We discuss how you can use education and training to simplify the process, while also generating face time with your most valuable clients.

Finally we've compiled a list of case studies that show how customers are utilizing DigiFabster to simplify their business processes and drive big-time ROI.