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DigiFabster provides superior, cost-effective tools for automating your CNC and additive manufacturing quotes, orders, and customer interactions.

Instant Quoting & eCommerce Self-Checkout

Use as an internal-only quoting automation tool or as a fully self-service e-commerce solution, blow your customers away with your ability to turn around RFQs in minutes not days. We offer flexible and scalable implementations to best align with your business.

Thin wallsThin walls
Walls are too thin, minimum recommended thickness value is 3.0 mm
Show thin walls

Live Manufacturing Feedback

With CAD files, there's lots of room for error. You have to ensure wall thickness, holes, traps, radii, reclamping and unreachable pockets are all identified and accounted for and we have you covered.

DigiFabster uses data science to analyze the geometry of your customer files, giving you, and them, instant feedback on manufacturability, while also identifying limitations and suggesting best practices to fix.

We accomplish this by displaying a built-in 3D preview with rotation, zooming, and the ability to change orientation, highlighting issues with the 3D model in real-time.


Real-time Healing And Repairing

DigiFabster's cloud-based program analyzes each uploaded 3D model, automatically finds irregularities and repairs them. It addresses common annoying gaps, such as mispositioned triangles, misaligned edges, and uncalled-for openings.

Model Orientation

3D CAD File Viewer

We allow customers to change the orientation of their 3D models, reducing the number of errors. This leads to a higher order conversion rate and customer confidence.


Customer & Order Manager (CRM)

DigiFabster’s CRM functionality is specifically designed to address the needs of manufacturers by manufacturers, enabling you to easily manage customer requests from quote to order and beyond. Grow your business by knowing your business with our easy to implement and use CRM solution.


Online & Bank Payments Processing

Credit cards of all major issuers (provided by PayPal, Stripe or PayFast), PayPal payments, Invoice and Purchase Order

Shipping & Tax Automation

Shipping & Tax Automation

You don't need five different software programs just to handle an order. The DigiFabster platform does it all, from generating a quote to creating invoices, purchase orders, packing lists. We even manage online payment! Moreover, with DigiFabster you can integrate with your shipping and tax software or use our onboard solution to generate shipping labels and automatically estimate sales tax.


Quality Assurance & Order Follow Up

Automatically send your customers a post-order follow-up survey to ensure quality and customer satisfaction. Export survey results to CSV to gather timely feedback and improve customer experience

Analytics Dashboard

Analytics Dashboard

Get a full dashboard of all your activities like average order size, sales dynamics, conversion and much more

Secure File Storage

Secure File Storage

DigiFabster is built on the same AES-256 encryption that enterprise organizations and financial institutions around the world rely on to protect their intellectual property. More than 200 customers trust us



For ITAR licensed service providers, we offer a dedicated (local) installation and ensure design files, specifications, and other data are encrypted both in transmission and at rest.

White Label

White Label

We offer you the same instant order process as some of the largest manufacturing service companies, without all of excessive cost of custom development or giving up your margin. Build a modern customer experience on your own website.

Customer Accounts

Customer Accounts

With a login and password login your customers can quickly check order status, order history, and account information. Create a modern experience that your customers will be eager to reorder from you.

Price Matching Tool

Price Matching Tool

DigiFabster’s proprietary Price Matching Tool allows you to generate a pricing algorithm in minutes. Simply submit 10 part files with the associated cost, and the tool will take it from there to develop your own pricing algorithm. You can easily tweak cost parameters to dial in accuracy or adjust to changes.

Marketing Tools

Marketing Tools

You can positively influence customer satisfaction through direct, consistent, and timely communication. We provide a variety of automated marketing tools helping you manage abandoned shopping carts and effortlessly follow up when customers decline to place an order. Determine when to change your pricing and follow up on credible inquiries with our 'lead conversion tools. Protect your bottom line by activating a minimum price for entire orders or individual parts.

Instant Quoting & eCommerce Self-Checkout
Live Manufacturing Feedback
Real-time CAD Healing And Repairing
3D CAD File Viewer
Customer & Order Manager (CRM)
Online & Bank Payments Processing
Shipping & Tax Automation
Quality Assurance & Order Follow Up
Analytics Dashboard
Secure File Storage
White Label
Customer Accounts
Price Matching Tool
Marketing Tools

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